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"I am sooo proud and grateful !! My friend Andrea Brown has brought the blessing of her book, KALEIDOSCOPE, Making the Necessary Adjustments to See Yourself as God Sees You, to all of us who have the curiosity, good fortune and good sense(!) to take the time to read and absorb it. The courage, commitment, vulnerability... and faith that Andrea's journey required are evident in the bite sized gems that constitute each short chapter. It's so very readable - with little more than two pages per segment. I found myself drawn - as if by a magnet - into the life stories and wisdom she shares.

I especially appreciate the metaphor of the kaleidoscope - with its sacred geometry, its beauty, and the vast range of design that becomes evident as tiny life adjustments are made. What a perfect choice!

I identified in one way or another with countless experiences in this book, marveling yet again at the inspiring effect of authentic self expression. Andrea's willingness to reveal and recount painful emotions and humbling experiences on her life's journey, some of which were embarrassing, some debilitating at the time - grants permission for each of us to do more of that. Instead of judging one another, we feel connected, safe and uplifted. We become better able to embrace the truth, that each troubling aspect of life can be transmuted into its own blessing. This magnificent reality happens when we become willing to express ourselves to others and to surrender, in faith, that yet another lesson from God is being delivered. Even when it seems unlikely, our lessons support us to adjust and step into all of who we came here to be. When we resist them, they are re-delivered in new ways, designed to wake us up!

I hereby re-commit myself to "making the necessary adjustments" to see myself as God sees me!

Thank you Andrea, for modeling for all of us - and spurring us on with your personal example of human and divine. Your vision of a Kaleidoscope version for Adolescents is sure to be a blessing as well."

- HOLLY MEYERS,  Joyful Living Specialist at Abundant Health and Joy Holistic Counseling Services and 

  Founder at Abundant Health with Young Living




"I recently had the pleasure of reading the book "Kaleidoscope: Making The Necessary Adjustments to See Yourself as God Sees You" ​written by Andrea Bing Brown. This book was nothing short of amazing. Many times when you see a book with a "religious" title, you assume that it will be full of scriptures and sermons. Typically, these books almost always appeal to those who are devout to their religious beliefs and cannot be translated to those who may not be as religious. While this book does reference scriptures, it is not overcome with them. This book tells a story in a way that appeals to all people inclusive of young adults and teenagers, men and women. The author shares experiences from all points of life and cleverly ties in scriptures that apply. It was an easy read and a book that you cannot put down once you begin reading it."  

- COLLEEN A. LEE, Wife, mother of two children and law firm secretary



"If I could see myself as God sees me, where could I go? What could I be?  In Kaleidoscope, Andrea Bing Brown challenges each of us to face the self destructive thoughts and behaviors we engage in, so that we can see ourselves authentically, as we were created. Andrea is transparent in sharing her story so that others can bravely face their own.  It is a transformative reading experience filled with uplifting scripture and faith based principles."

         - YOLANDA JAMISON TOOLE, All About Happy Blog --



"This book is not only a great read but it’s very inspiring. I was touched emotionally as well as spiritually. This book helped me because it brought out compassion in me that I rarely expose to anyone. I commend Andrea for writing this book and for being selfless enough to become so transparent for public consumption. The information contained in this book will touch anyone that reads it. It helped me! It made me realize that I shouldn’t just live life, but live out my salvation. This book helped me to see that so much more is required of me as a Christian. I thank you, Andrea, for helping me just as your writing will help so many others."

- REGINALD G. BROWN, SR., Engineer and  Ex-husband



"What a bold testimony!  If you ever wished you had a good friend to talk to that would share her experiences in an open way, this is it. If you ever felt that someone somewhere has to understand your feelings of loss and loneliness, this is it. However, Andrea Bing Brown’s offering to readers goes further than empathy. She outlines how humility, discipline, repentance and forgiveness all come together to bring forth a flourishing life for earthly good and divine glory. Be prepared to laugh, cry and pray as you visit her heartaches and joys. You will find your voice in hers and the heart of the Lord God that heals all wounds."

- SUSIE PAIGE, Author of Don't You Need Some Rest? 52 Sabbath Reflections For Stressful Living.

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